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Great Healthcare Medical Center
Training program for members of the security department at Great Healthcare Medical Center
The program for training security members of Great Healthcare Medical Center is hereby re-established and from now henceforth it will be always put into practice starting from today. It is, and will remain part of policies, procedures, in addition to laws regarding to quality and effective training of security personnel in Great Healthcare Medical Centre. Each and every personnel who takes part in training alongside trainees will get a copy of this training program and the management anticipates that, they will take it upon themselves to get familiar with the content in there. These training programs shall remain property of Great Healthcare Medical Centre and shall be submitted upon completion of training.
Although this is the revised training program, it is not anticipated to offer solution and rectify all drawbacks faced in the previous training program but the management hopes that it will serve the purpose of which is intended as things stand. It is not brought into effect with intentions of limiting any trainer or trainee but for the good of both. It will see to it that security personnel trained under these policies are nothing but the best.
In case of any amendment on these policies of training, it must be approved by Director of Security and Great Healthcare Medical Centre management. The inspection on these policies can be any time by a supervisor to confirm whether they are followed to the latter (Al-Rodhan 2006).
I. Policy Purpose
This policy highlights the training program which would govern members of the security department at Great Healthcare Medical Center.
II. Policy Scope
This policy covers areas in which the members of the security department at Great Healthcare Medical Center take care of such as hospitals clinics, physician offices and dentist offices, Health care providers who manage or are employed in the facilities listed above are responsible for the administration and secure storage of controlled substances (e.g., pain killers, such as morphine). They are also responsible for the secure storage of drug paraphernalia, such as syringes. The theft and/or conversion of these items, either for sale to others or for personal use, are a major legal issue in this industry (Al-Rodhan 2006).
III. Policy Description
3.1. Arrests and arrest procedures as they relate to security officers who are not granted police and arrest powers.
To begin with, security officer is not obliged to high authority to act than ordinary persons unless bestowed with extraordinary powers (Bolton 2008). Private security officer enjoy powers of arrest which are just the same in all regions. One of the major concerns of director of security is to see to it to what extent security officers in Great Healthcare Medical Center can carry out investigations on those speculated to have carried out the embezzlement of hospital finances or vandalism as the case may be. This should be part of training at al times (Bolton 2008).
3.2. Security officers who are granted police and arrest powers (special or commissioned officers).
For the security personnel operating under the powers bestowed on them through the state legislation, they have the same power as that of public security officers (Bolton 2008). However, in most cases, especially in private sector, private officers in charge of security work within limits of ordinary persons (Bolton 2008). This should always be put in mind while training is being administered. Basically, going by the ordinary laws, ordinary individuals just like security officers enforcing laws can make an arrest (Bolton 2008). It is expected by the authority that, a private individual can arrest somebody for committing a crime without necessarily having to issue a warrant. This happens if he or she has witnessed the crime committed (Anderson 1997). In case of Great Healthcare Medical Center any employee can make an arrest if the one who has committed is within the vicinity is about to flee (Al-Rodhan 2006). It does not mean that it is only security officers trained under the program put in place (Bolton 2008). An arrest by an ordinary citizen is equated to that of a security officer. In case that happens, the citizen should be aware that it is at his or her own risk (Anderson 1997). Incase an arrest by a civilian turns out to be against the law; it can backfire on him or her. In this scope, security officers who are granted police and arrest powers must be on the look out to make arrests which will protect Great Healthcare Medical Center management (Bolton 2008).
In order to take care of losses which might be great, laws have been introduced to allow even other employees to make arrests although there lacks universality in these laws (Anderson 1997).
3.3. Government agencies and organizations that is responsible for granting police and arrest powers to private security officers
These policies are granted by the authority and are also provide for in some state constitution (Al-Rodhan 2006). The Great Healthcare Medical Center management is very keen on this. The police are legalized to use excessive power while making arrests but it’s different when it comes to security personnel from private firms like in our case (Bolton 2008).
3.4. The industries and organizations that use special and/or commissioned officers and for what purposes
The legal issues that an organization's security management and security department must address are numerous and vary from industry to industry (Anderson 1997). For all intents and purposes, the senior security professional serves as the organization's internal security consultant in security matters and works closely with the organization's legal counsel and other senior managers on legal issues (Anderson 1997). One of his or her responsibilities is to ensure that all reports, records, and files pertaining to incidents involving criminal and illegal activities are maintained for a set period of time in a secure location in which access is controlled (Anderson 1997).
3.5. The Miranda rights decision and when these rights are given, by whom, and for what purpose
The rights are provided for in the constitution and mostly coves issues of arrest of ordinary persons by both the private security officers and law enforcement offices that are recognized by the authority (Pfiffner & Phythian 2008). While the security officers from Great Healthcare Medical Center are carrying out their responsibilities they must be familiar with these rights. When making arrests, they should let the suspect know that they have a right to remain silent to avoid contradicting the case (Pfiffner & Phythian 2008). This part of training should be given much attention by both parties. The senior security professional must ensure that all security personnel are aware of the different types of illegal activities that can occur in an organization and the methods used to prevent, respond to, report, and resolve such incidents (Pfiffner & Phythian 2008). Working with other senior managers, he or she must ensure that policies and procedures addressing these issues are developed, implemented, and distributed to all employees, especially middle managers, supervisors, and security personnel. In addition, he or she must ensure that all security personnel are continually trained in these matters (Al-Rodhan 2006). It is also important that all employees be trained in these matters during new-employee orientation, annual refresher training, and whenever an occurrence requires it (Al-Rodhan 2006). It is advisable that security officer ask relevant questions before reading the Miranda rights to the criminal in question (Pfiffner & Phythian 2008). The person being arrested should know the reason for his arrest. The Great Healthcare Medical Center management is very keen on this because in the past our officers have made arrests that did not see the right of the day after what was called lack of substantial; evidence against the accused (Pfiffner & Phythian 2008).
3.6. Detention of individuals by private security officers and the circumstances in which individuals are detained
The Great Healthcare Medical Center management insists that, any security officer working with us should follow the quality procedure of detention as provided for in International Association of Professional Security Consultants (IAPSC) (Derthick 1979). Any security officer in a private firm must observe these laws any time he or she is making an arrest. The offenders must be held with a lot of care to avoid increasing liabilities in regard to law. This will help protect the image of the security department and the medical center at large (Derthick 1979). The law allows detention of offenders to allow investigations and later handle them to the required authority. This should only be done if there is exhibit and not any other. In the same breath a security officer off-duty cannot make an arrest (Derthick 1979).
3.7. Unreasonable search, unreasonable detention, probable cause, negligence, invasion of privacy, moral obligation, courage, the role of feelings and prudence
Unreasonable search by any security officer is illegal. This can be done if the stolen item will be recovered. It is advised that, in a case where a suspect has been searched incorrectly, it can amount to denial of rights. In such a case, detention will not be the best solution as it will only cause more problems (Derthick 1979). This in most cases applies to an offender whop has fallen victim yet he was mistakenly confused by the security officer. It can also apply to a victim who is not innocent as such, but does not posses the stolen asset at the time of searching. All these must be part of training and must be adhered to the latter (Derthick 1979).
IV. Enforcement
Any employee found to have violated this policy might be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment (Pfiffner & Phythian 2008). The disciplinary action can amount to suspension of three months from the training. All are advised to observe the above keenly. The management will not hesitate to exercise full range of disciplinary action regardless of the status or position held.
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